Simon Attridge was presented with a prestigious EasTec UK Ltd ‘Special Achievement Award’ on the 14th December 2022 in recognition of his successful completion of a Lantra Awards Pedestrian Rotary Mower course run by Chris Brown (Lantra Instructor) on behalf of EasTec UK Ltd at the Mid Suffolk & Babergh District Council Depot in Stowmarket in November 2022.
Simon has worked as a Yard Assistant for Mid Suffolk & Babergh DC at their Creeting Road Depot in Stowmarket since 2006 and is a valued member of the team. Simon’s parents were in attendance at the presentation with several of the Public Realm Team which included Paul Chittenden, the Repairs & Maintenance Officer, who was very grateful to EasTec UK Ltd and Lantra Awards for recognising Simon’s achievement.
Lantra Awards generously supplied Simon with a polo shirt, jacket, a hat and other very useful Lantra merchandise in recognition of his successful completion of the course, which was also recognised by the Mayor of Stowmarket, Cllr Barry Salmon, in front of his family and friends at a separate event hosted by the Stowmarket Community Hub Simon attends, run by Leading Lives.

The mayor said, ‘It’s important as it gives a great feeling of self-esteem. The fact that somebody has taken the time to give a little bit of extra tuition, to help him along, gives a sense of purpose. Now Simon can go out, and he can do a job, hold his head up in society and say, “I am making a contribution and I have achieved something”’
N.B. Leading Lives supports people with learning disabilities, autistic people and others with social care needs to lead the lives they choose. For further information visit www.leadinglives.org.uk or contact their Marketing and Communications Advisor, Gemma Thompson, on 07521 266607 or at gemma.thompson@leadinglives.org.uk