News from EasTec

News from EasTec


EasTec Ltd has been accepted by NPORS as a training provider, thank you to Derek Mather for making this possible.

BIGGA National Golf Championships

Eastec Ltd is sponsoring Matthew Strudwick in the BIGGA National Golf Championships at Bowood Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort in Wiltshire.   Thank you to Dove Cottage in Compton Bassett for looking after him during his stay in Wiltshire.

First Aid at Work for Forestry Workers (FAW + F)

Eastec Ltd is running HSE, FAW + F forestry first aid at work courses.  This course tailors the standard first aid content for forestry workers and covers the additional topics required by the Forestry Commission i.e. severe bleeding, crush injuries, hypothermia and Lymes disease. Ring Jane on 07899685472 for dates and prices.

Introduction to WordPress

This course is aimed at people who have a WordPress website or are planning to have one but are not sure how to make it work for them or their business.   This Green Shoots course will cover how to add and edit content on your site, customise the way it looks as well as […]

Level 3 Thorough Examination of Arboricultural Equipment

Have you ever thought of becoming a LOLER Inspector? EasTec Ltd is running a comprehensive course covering all the theoretical and practical skills to inspect, record and report under LOLER regulations. Industry experience is important, usually 3-5 years aerial treework using a range of modern climbing and rigging equipment. This is not essential however, those with […]

Lantra – Basic Tree Survey & Inspection

EasTec Ltd is taking bookings for a Lantra basic one day Tree Survey & Inspection training course in 2016. This course aims to provide the candidate with the knowledge to be able to identify a hazardous tree, determine the level of risk and then decide on the appropriate course of action. So whether you have […]